IMPORTANT: Limited Time for Special Offer! 
The School of 
Prosperous Thought™ 
How to Unlock Your Secret Door To Success 
Are You Ready to RECEIVE?
Discover How to access the secret teachings...
I want to PERSONALLY work with YOU to help you discover the greatest teachings of the Universal and Spiritual Laws. This program will awaken your inner wealth wisdom and magnetize your prosperity.
There Are Only Ever up to 50 People In This Live & Online Group Training - Because This Training is so UNIQUE, it Fills Up Quickly. If This Page Is Online Right Now, There Are Still A Few Open...
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From The Desk Of Kisma Orbovich
Carlsbad, CA
I have so many stories around prosperity and manifesting for my clients, students and myself.  Yet there was a significant moment that allowed me to see the true Code to Prosperity in all ways— wealth, health, love and spirituality.

It's deeper than what the normal Law of Attraction teachings are telling you. It's solving and resolving your limiting beliefs, blocks and feeling of 'not enough-ness' so that you can work directly with the spiritual and universal laws to manifest.

These are the teachings I use for my own business and my VIP Clients. You'll expand your consciousness to see all that is yours and the pathway to it. 

“The Karma Money Cleanse is the most magical and POWERFUL training you've done online so far!” - Lisa
I just listened to this week’s lesson. It was beautiful and intoxicating with love! The clearing was so powerful and moving! I felt a buzzing and visioned color for the first time ever! I released “LOSS” and saw the color green when I was letting it GO!! I AM....
“When the student is ready, the teacher appears. After my purchase last night an unexpected sale showed up to cover my investment “ - Scott
This Training Includes 
Module #1: The Vibration of Abundance
Prosperity has a certain frequency to it. We often feel it when we manifest quickly. However the problem most people have is they fall OUT of prosperity in their vibe and attract lower frequency events, people and occurrences.

This creates a negative thought flow which thickens in a short period of time and before you know it—you're out of sync with your wealth, health, love and spirituality.

In this module I'll show you how to RAISE your frequency consistently and effortlessly.
Module #2: The REAL Law of Attraction
Module #2: The REAL Law of Attraction
If you've been studying the Law of Attraction, yet you still don't have what you want—it's likely because no one told you the truth about this Universal Law and how it really works.

Once you understand the true teachings your life will change forever. This involves working with the Law of Attraction in the right way and having the tools to maintain your clear vision of abundance.
Module #3: The Secret to Manifesting
Manifesting is a gift of the Divine, and when you discover how the teachings work, you'll have a new power of manifesting in ways you never thought possible.

Understanding the power of your mind in ALL ways, will allow you to create the life you desire consistently.
Module #4: Faith and Expectation
Module #4: Faith and Expectation
It's shockingly right to be prosperous! This is what many great teachers have been trying to tell humanity for eons.  It takes faith in the right way and expectation of good.

Using Faith and Expectation with the right energy, will guide you to a purposeful and mission filled life.
Module #5: The Secret Teachings 
of the Ages
In order to open your secret door to success, you must know the SECRET TEACHINGS OF THE AGES. This is the above to our below, the spiritual laws of thought and energy. Abundance and power. 

Now is the time to shift into the power of the Secret Teachings so that you can live without anxiety, worry or fear.
Module #6: The Power of Your 
Super Mind
Module #6: The Power of Your 
Super Mind
When you understand the Power of Your Super Mind, you live in an exalted state of receptivity, flow and abundance. 

You'll unleash the Supreme COSMIC SECRETS  for a new AWAKENING to the potential of your existence. This is the creative aspect of you, one that channels your intuition and connects at a deeper level with Universe.
Module #7: The Law of Karma
The Law of Karma is the governing law of the Universe. It is not one to be feared, yet one to be loved and worked with daily. Understanding the true teachings of this Law will bring you joy, calm and peace.

This is you connected to your life, your legacy and Universe.

2 Easy Pay Options to Choose From:

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2 Easy Pay Options to Choose From:

One-Time Payment


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(billed one time)

Two-Month Payment Plan


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Soul Level Clearing Process™
Join Kisma for The Soul Level Clearing Process— this clearing will be delivered in a group setting online.

It is a deep soul journey and clearing to clear congested and stuck energy from the past. (Value: $1528)
BONUS: Ticket to Kisma's Two Day Virtual Event: The Prosperity Code Live™
Join Kisma for a dynamic two day virtual even that will take you through the Code of Prosperity so that you can awaken your inner wealth wisdom and magnetize your money.
BONUS: Ticket to Kisma's Two Day Virtual Event: The Prosperity Code Live™

The Universal Laws Challenge ™ Replays
All recordings from The Universal Laws Challenge ™

(Recordings of seven live calls on the secret teachings of the ages and seven LIVE group coaching sessions)
Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!
"Working with Kisma has opened the door to a level of clarity, understanding and prosperous joy that I could only dream of before meeting her. She weaves together an alchemy of self-knowledge and energy work with ancient, universal laws to create a new operating system for the way we live our lives. I have never felt so full of hope, confidence and peace. I am forever changed.”

"Ever since we started working with Kisma, something magical happens every day."
"Kisma's content is life changing."
"What I loved about the School of Prosperous thought was the feeling of an accumulation of her teachings brought together in a highly charged time where she stepped in to create what she felt was needed."

"Kisma is the real deal.  Every time I take a training with her, I feel profoundly connected to both my own inner knowing, and All That Is. I'm not easily impressed - I've studied with many teachers, read the books, and gone on the quests. But I love and trust Kisma's approach, and it's clear that she does the work and she runs clean. Her teachings are profound, actionable, and immediately useful. She makes the biggest topics - what so often feels abstract - both easily accessible and practical, in every area of my life! Every time I work with her I'm reminded of my truest self, and my ability to receive all the good stuff just skyrockets." 
Meet Kisma
Your Prosperity Code Mentor™
  • Prosperity Coach & Mentor for Mission Driven Entrepreneurs
  • Creator of The Prosperity Code™ System
  • Guest Writer for, 2019
  • Featured in USA TODAY,  Well + Good, iHeart Radio, 2019
  • Co-Host of  Illumination Podcast™ with Nick and Kisma since 2016
  • Speaker, Corporate Trainer and C-Suite Coach since 2012
This is your defining moment.
The decision is now.

2 Easy Pay Options to Choose From:

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Two-Month Payment Plan


Special Pricing


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Copyright 2020: Kisma Productions
Copyright 2018: Kisma Productions